Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Sailors Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, the ship was out steaming, Sailors
stood watch while others were dreaming.
They lived in a crowd with racks tight and small, in a 80-man berthing,
cramped one and all.

... I had come down the stack with presents to give, And to see inside
just who might perhaps live.
I looked all about, a strange sight did I see, No tinsel, no presents,
not even a tree.

No stockings were hung, shined boots close at hand, on the bulkhead hung
pictures of a far distant land.
They had medals and badges and awards of all kind, and a sober thought
came into my mind.

For this place was different, so dark and so dreary, I had found the
house of a Sailor, once I saw clearly.
A Sailor lay sleeping, silent and alone, Curled up in a rack and
dreaming of home.

The face was so gentle, the room squared away, this was the United
States Sailor today.
This was the hero I saw on TV,
Defending our country so we could be free.

I realized the families that I would visit this night, owed their lives
to these Sailors lay willing to fight.
Soon round the world, the children would play, and grownups would
celebrate on Christmas Day.

They all enjoyed freedom each day of the year, Because of the Sailor,
like the one lying here.
I couldn't help wonder how many lay alone, on a cold Christmas Eve on a
sea, far from home.

The very thought brought a tear to my eye, I dropped to my knees and
started to cry.
The Sailor awakened and I heard a calm voice, "Santa, don't cry, this
life is my choice."

"Defending the seas all days of the year, so others may live and be free
with no fear."
I thought for a moment, what a difficult road, to live a life guided by
honor and code.

After all it's Christmas Eve and the ship's underway!
But freedom isn't free and it's sailors who pay.
The Sailor say's to our country "be free and sleep tight, No harm will
come, not on my watch and not on this night."

The Sailor rolled over and drifted to sleep, I couldn't control it, I
continued to weep.
I kept watch for hours, so silent, so still, I watched as the Sailor
shivered from the night's cold chill.

I didn't want to leave on that cold dark night, this guardian of honor
so willing to fight.
The Sailor rolled over and with a voice strong and sure, commanded,
"Carry on Santa, It's Christmas, and all is Secure!"


Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December 20, 2008

Three years ago today, Kevin proposed to me, and I said,"Yes!"

Just moments after he proposed

At Faith Pres. College & Career Christmas Party

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mom's Visit

Having lunch after she got off the airplane

In Fernandina Beach, we're standing with a shrimp
 Grandmeow & the kitties

Seashells I found

Buddy wanted to help Grandmeow with the cross-stitch

Cat Videos
Mei-Ling's favorite toy

Saturday, December 10, 2011

4 Months Done

with this deployment!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE than half way over (Lord willing)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Heart of Christmas

    I just watched "The Heart of Christmas" on GMC. Its based on a true story and if you plan to watch it, have the tissues handy. Definitely cherish every moment! After watching the movie I couldn't help but to pray and thank God for everything he has blessed me with. Then I began to pray for all the missionaries all over the world and for the people they're ministering to.
    I also began to feel a little selfish/convicted for sometimes feeling homesick or lonely. I'm so thankful for my family back home, but I'm also very thankful for the friends I have here, who I consider family, especially during this deployment. Thank you all for your prayers and support!! It means the world to Kevin & I. From the bottom of my heart, Thank You!!

"I thank my God every time I remember you." -Philippians 1:3

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I saw this as I was driving near the beach (1 block away).

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Yup, he's a moocher! And no I did not give him my pasta!
Confession: I was eating dinner on the couch, in front of the t.v. 

Dear December,

I'm so glad you're here!!!! 30 more days until 2012 arrives!!!!!

A Navy Wife who is counting the days til her Sailor returns