Saturday, November 19, 2011

Random thoughts

*I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week!

*I now understand the saying "Being a Military Wife is one of the hardest jobs in the world." I definitely agree.

*I've been having trouble falling asleep at night. My mind runs a mile a minute with all sorts of things.

*At Bible Study this week, after class we filled two boxes with things for Operation Christmas Child. 1 box for a boy and the other for a girl. We pray God's blessings on the children who receive these boxes, that they will come to know about the love of Jesus.

*I've listened to the radio station that's playing Christmas music already, just in the car though.

*One reason I'm not putting up a Christmas tree this year:

1 comment:

  1. Stop drinking coffee and you'll sleep better at night.....try some warm milk and some relaxing music.....
