Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Our fur-balls

For those of you who don't know.....The day we were leaving for vacation, I had to work until 5pm, therefore Kevin had to drop Buddy off at the cat clinic, where he'd be staying all week (plus he got his front paws declawed while he was there, sorry if you're against that). Well Kevin fell in love with one of the cats there that happened to be up for adoption. So after he dropped Buddy off, he drove back to my place of employment and told me about this cat up for adoption. So, now that we are home, we are "testing" her out. The cat clinic is letting us test her out for two weeks, to see how her and Buddy get along. If it doesn't work out, we can take her back. So today is day 3 of her in our home.  Let's just say the first day, neither of them were happy with each other. However each day seems to be getting better. Today they had some treats on the couch together.

Her name is: Mei-Ling
Mei pronounced may.
Yeah, we didn't name her. The cat clinic did.
Buddy & Mei-Ling are about the same age.

Also, my brother is engaged!! I'm happy for him & Holly!!

P.S.  D-day is next week. I'm not looking forward to it. I'll try not to have many sad/depressing future posts, for the next 7 months, but I can't promise anything. I'll do my best not to.

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