Monday, September 12, 2011

I've be meaning to say.....

That I have survived the 1st month of this deployment!!!!!!!!! WHOOOO HOOOO!!!!!! As months keep passing, those whoooo hooo  o's will get longer and longer!! :)   I'm so thankful to God for many things. One being modern day technology!! I usually get 1 e-mail from Kevin a day, and occasionally get to chat with him on the facebook instant messenger. This definitely helps!! I'm very thankful to God for my friends and prayer warriors!! You're prayers are greatly appreciated!! I am doing my best to keep myself occupied. I'm involved with a Women's Bible Study that meets Tuesday mornings, working part time and hanging out with friends. Again thank you all for your prayers and support!! It's greatly appreciated!!

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12