The sun looks red due to the smoke.
The weathermen are also concerned about the hot temperatures, close to 100, because that my also cause fires. They said this morning on a scale from 1-5....5 starting fires, we are at a 4. Please please please pray for some rain to come our way!! I was making Buddy work for his treats.
Here he's on his hind legs.
Here he's on his hind legs.
Then I hid the treat on the middle of the window.
Last night during the storm, he decided he could fit on that little ledge, where
the locks for the window are. Needless to say, he got up there, then didn't
know how to get down. Good thing I was right there to help him. Crazy cat!!
That box Buddy is standing on, is the box he sits on and watches all the
action on the street: kids playing outside, other cats, cars coming & going, etc.
I am currently reading Heaven is for Real.
"It's about a little boy's astounding story of his trip to Heaven and back."
It's an easy read, and I recommend it to anyone.
That's all for now...oh and I hope the Phillies beat the Florida Marlins!!!
I'll be praying the rain comes! scary!