Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Oh Buddy

This week Buddy has really started scratching the carpet. It's to the point where it's coming up, and I can easily pull it up and see the flooring underneath. See:

So I googled ways to get your cat to stop ripping up the carpet. Well one was to put double sided tape on top of the area. Sure it worked for a little bit, but then Buddy decided to pull the tape off the carpet. Then I tried the 2nd idea, pour vinegar in a spray bottle and mix it with some water and spray the area the cat is scratching. Supposedly cats don't like the scent of vinegar. I don't know how true that is, because it's not stopping Buddy.

Anyways, Buddy has found a new spot to lounge on. The printer, which is on my desk.
I start work tomorrow. I know in the last post I said that I was going to start work today, but that got changed. I'm looking forward to working again!! Tomorrow I work from 10-6.

P.S. The other day as we were going to a friend's house, we saw a Carnival Cruise Ship going under the 9A bridge. Yeah I'm still not use to seeing cruise ships on a regular basis. To all you family & friends back home, imagine seeing a cruise ship going under the Delaware Memorial Bridge, ok? That's how weird it is to me seeing a cruise ship (even though there's a cruise ship port nearby). See?

7 days until I'll be home sweet home again!!!

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