Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I can already tell that I am going to sleep good tonight. Today I volunteered with Habitat for Humanity Women Build, and today I got to shingle a roof!! Yes Mom, I wore sunscreen and re-applied it. When I first got on the roof, I wasn't too sure that I should be doing this, because I've never been on a roof for a long period of time, and I always have that fear that I'm going to fall off the roof. I decided that as long as I was squatting or sitting on the roof, I'd be alright (luckily it was just a 1 story house). Once we got started, I actually enjoyed it. Who knew using a nail gun and occasionally a hammer, could be so fun!! See Kevin, aren't you proud, I'm using tools!!! The sun started melting the tar/glue stuff on the back of the shingles, so we had to make sure we didn't lay shingles we weren't using down on the roof. After wards some of the women went out to lunch, I tagged along too. We went to a seafood restaurant called Safe Harbor. I got the shrimp basket, it's the best shrimp basket I've ever had because it's not super breaded. Mayport is known for it's shrimp. Also the city of Mayport, is basically 1 street. The city (according to the post office) for people who live on the Navy Base is Jacksonville, even though it's called Mayport Naval Station. Strange, no?

The shingles I nailed in

Also the state board of Florida is telling me to call them back on Friday to see if my letter of certification is in the system. I told them that I had it sent certified mail, so they wrote that down in their notes (that's what the lady told me anyway), which hopefully they also wrote "Find before Friday!!" 


  1. My daughter, the ROOFER???!!! I'm proud of you! Where were you when we had our roof done in January - between snowstorms!!!
    When you call the Cosmetology Board on Fri., tell them that your mother is ready to come down there and find the letter for them!!!
    Guess Who???

  2. You and me both Mom!! I just might suggest to FL that I'm willing to come and look for the letter myself. Wouldn't that be considered volunteering? haha!
